
Maintenance / Service

In a world full of things, good companions can be hard to find. Object Index presents a handpicked selection of Japanese-made items for work, life, and everything that happens in-between. Sort by type, filter the results, find your match. From there, the journey is yours to share.

Ink Refills

Return your empty markers for a refill.
Object Index’s aluminum and glass markers are designed to keep you
company for a long time to come.

12 Anywhere Anytime Marker
14 Endurance Marker


Blunt scissors can be brought back to life with expert sharpening
and adjusting by the manufacturer in the traditional bladesmithing
capital of Seki, Gifu prefecture.

01 Boring Scissors

Always looking forward

Refill specifications are provided for refillable ballpoint pens.
Please get in touch if you are unable to find a refill near you.

02 Cedar Pocket Pen
09 Elementary Pencil Set
16 Toggle Pen

For more information on the above services,
please contact the Object Index team.